The Humble GIF

It’s all in the details.

Recently created for Left Bank Art Group and our own brand, the Instagram GIF is the underrated brand tool that can enhance your brand experience on social media. All you need to do is choose the iconic elements of your identity and business that you’d like to bring to life *digitally*.

Our team can confidently guide you through this process:


Choose the things you want to immortalise in Instagram sticker format

Consider key brand touchpoints – for example, your unique selling points, best-selling products or services, or memorable elements of your brick-and-mortar experience (if applicable). Our friends at Left Bank chose to capture their iconic delivery van, graphic brand assets (designed by yours truly), their world-class printer (the only one in the southern hemisphere, mind you), a customised ‘Made in Australia’ tag and more.


Work with our Visual Designer and animation genius, Elke to bring them to life

How would you like them to move? Elke is extremely talented with animations; with her creative skills you can find the perfect flow to inspire your audience. While these may look short, simple and sweet, animating such things takes time, very specific skills and patience.


Carry on with business as usual while our team manages the completion of your GIFs and facilitate upload and approval on Giphy.

We’ll manage the process of uploading your GIFs to Giphy so they can be rated and approved for use on Instagram. We’ll guide you to use your GIFs directly via your GIPHY account, and log the application for them to be published on Instagram.

We’ll be in touch when they’re ready to be used. When we’re done, we’ll make sure you’re equipped to make any changes in the future.


 Tell the world about them

The last step is to share them with your community! Integrate your custom GIFs into your Instagram reels strategy.


Connect with our team to discuss the creation of custom GIFs for your brand!